Hungry in a hurry? Craving Columbus Cuisine? Is it tasty or trashy? Expensive or accessible? This is the place to find out.
Flyers Pizza
Mark Pi's Feast of the Dragon
The Lotus Leaf
Dirty Franks Hot Dog Palace
Park Street Cantina
Food India
Tai's Asian Bistro
Khyber Halal
Ringside Cafe
Our Rules to Review by:
1. Two visits minimum, second impressions can be just as important to a restaurant as first impressions. Sometimes it's just a really bad night, one awful customer can spoil the mood of the entire staff and ruin everyone's good time. The only exception is food poisoning, if I roll out of your establishment and am forced to start living out of a gas station bathroom on my way home you're toast, done, finished. I will publish my review from the bathroom on my phone and it will not be pleasant. Of course, feel free to appeal, if you sweet talk me I may give you that second chance.
2. No going it alone. In fact, the more the merrier. If I go twice and have two meals that's a pretty narrow cross section, if I go twice with friends and get to try a little bit of what everyone is having I get a much better view of how they do what they do behind the kitchen doors. If a places steaks suck but they have burgers that are like ten minutes of true enlightenment and unity with the immense powers of the universe I want to know it BEFORE I review.
3. Restaurants are a whole lot more than just the food they serve, they are an atmosphere, they are an event, but no amount of cool gewgaws, friendly and attractive servers, sweet deals, or bitchin' sweet music will entirely make up for bad food. Build your business around a great menu, food is your foundation, everything else is just a perk from there. I grade you on your food, I make notes about decor, and service, and music, but if it boiled down to a science food is at least 80% of your grade. If you feed me the best pizza I've ever had, in an abandoned factory with a leaky roof, as long as I don't get stabbed on my way to or from your establishment you will probably get at least a B+.
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